A teenager has been found guilty of murdering a 16-year-old in Newham using a knife he ordered online.

The 17-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons, was found guilty after a five-week trial at the Old Bailey.

The court heard that Rahaan Ahmed Amin was fatally attacked in West Ham Park on July 9, 2023, by the 17-year-old who cycled up to him and stabbed him in the chest.

Rahaan died in hospital the next day.

An investigation led to the discovery of a long red knife in a tree in the park.

Forensic testing uncovered the 17-year-old’s fingerprints on the knife as well as Rahaan’s blood.

Eyewitnesses and CCTV helped police to piece together what had happened.

A photo identified on a snapchat account linked to the now convicted teenager showed a collection of nine knives lined up on a bed.

One of those knives appeared to be identical to the knife found in the tree at West Ham Park.

The knife was also identical to one ordered online on June 12, 2023.

The transaction was traced, along with two similar orders, which had been placed under the name of the dad of one of the 17-year-old’s friends.

When police told the man about these transactions, he had no knowledge of them.

The last three orders for these knives were delivered to an address the same as the now convicted 17-year-old.

He was arrested on suspicion of murder on July 12, 2023, two days after Rahaan died in hospital.

On July 13, 2023, he was charged.

Detective Chief Inspector Kelly Allen, the lead investigator, said: "Another young life has sadly been lost as the result of knife crime.

"My team of detectives swiftly and diligently uncovered the evidence of the defendant's guilt.

"This included forensically linking him to the knife and tracking him to the scene on CCTV.

"The defendant's claim that he acted in self-defence was completely rejected by the jury.

"Rahaan was murdered in cold blood after the 17-year-old cycled up to him and stabbed him within seconds of arriving, giving him no opportunity to react.

"This case demonstrates how easy it is for young people to purchase deadly knives online.

"I would urge all parents to be aware of their child's online activity and what purchases they are making.

“It is also important for parents to keep their ID documents secure to ensure they are not misused by their children."

The teenager will be sentenced on September 6, 2024.