A man from Beckton who robbed a care home resident with learning difficulties at knifepoint has been jailed. 

Festus Obue, of Baxter Road, appeared in Snaresbrook Crown Court on June 6 connected with three incidents where a vulnerable man was targeted across 2019 and 2020.

The 39-year-old was found guilty of two counts of robbery and one count of blackmail by a jury in April.

Obue first robbed his victim in October 2019, threatening to assault the man unless he handed over his bank cards. 

His victim was able to identify him and was supported by care workers and the Met to give a statement about the ordealHis victim was able to identify him and was supported by care workers and the Met to give a statement about the ordeal (Image: Metropolitan Police) A month later he threatened the man again, this time at knifepoint in the street where the man was forced to hand over money. 

The third incident occurred in January 2020 where he threatened to attack and stab the victim if he was not given more money. 

The Metropolitan Police were able to identify Obue after the victim gave a statement and identified him through his clothing, which was seized by police during his arrest. 

With support from the clothes consistent with the victim's statement, police said they were able to press charges. 

Obue was sentenced to six years imprisonment.

Det Sgt Joshua Palmer said: “Obue systematically targeted a member of our community he knew was vulnerable.

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"Without the strength and bravery of this victim, as well as care staff at the care home, this sentence would not have been possible.

"I want thank the courageous victim and witnesses in this case which secured the conviction.”