The Recorder has returned to speak with traders of a market hall in Stratford after it was saved from closure.

We first visited Market Village at The Stratford Centre in January, after news broke that all 61 businesses in the venue had been forced to leave overnight.

The shock closure was the result of previous lease holders Stratford Market Properties Ltd having appointed administrators.

Traders said they were hand-delivered a letter on the afternoon of January 10 with details of the administration. 

Shutters to Market Village went down overnight after they were informed on January 10 of the administrationMarket Village closed in January after the leaseholder went into administration (Image: Olivia Carter) The letter also served as a notice for businesses to stop trading there with immediate effect. 

Angela Akbas, who runs the Central Cafe with her husband Ali, told us at the time that the news came "out of the blue". 

Angie said: "It's heart-breaking. "I’m in such a state at the moment worrying – this is our livelihoods you know?

The Central Cafe has been open for 22 years, with Angie joining husband Ali eight years ago to help with running itThe Central Cafe has been open for 22 years, with Angie joining husband Ali eight years ago to help with running it (Image: Olivia Carter) "We’ve never been behind with our rent. We spent our life savings during the Covid-19 times to get back on our feet again."

The market had been operating since 1974 and, after months of talks, Newham Council announced in May that it had been saved. 

The shutters to Market Village went up in MayThe shutters to Market Village went up in May (Image: Olivia Carter) On our return visit, the atmosphere and appearance of Market Village had been transformed. 

Just months ago, the halls resembled something of a ghost town, with deserted units and closed shutters. 

Now, businesses are back up on their feet and traders' moods are much improved. 

Lila Hughes said she is feeling Blessed and great that their shops have been savedTrader Lila Hughes said she is feeling great that their shops have been saved 

We met Angie once again, who told this paper: "We (were) over the moon, we really (were) over the moon.

"Every trader in here thought we were going to lose everything, but we're so happy. 

Traders appeared relieved following the newsAngie runs her cafe with husband Ali (Image: Olivia Carter) "It was lovely - a big surprise. People have missed us so much.

"We all stuck together, all the traders here stuck together. Everybody was emailing people, emailing the government - anyone of importance. 

"Finally, we were listened to and we won."

Using £700,000 of unused funds from the Greater London Assembly's Good Growth Fund, the council was able to secure a deed of variation. 

The money will be used to cover the operating costs of the venue by the council in a precautionary one-year trial period. 

This one-year break clause gives the council the option to terminate the contract, which includes a 15-year lease that will start after the year is up. 

Abdul Qadir, who has run his mobile phone shop from Market Village for 24 years, said: "I'm feeling very good because now we are in good hands. 

Abdul said the market has seen generations of families in its storesAbdul Qadir has run his shop at Market Village for 24 years (Image: Olivia Carter) "If we secure the lease, this is retirement for me."

Yetunde Jegede, who runs Majames Fashions, added: "It is hard, but our tomorrow is better than today. 

RELATED: Market Village Stratford: Cafe owner heartbroken at closure

"It's very amazing that people really stood for us. We as traders fought as well like lions - we did not give up."

It is not just the traders who have been celebrating the news. 

Yetunde (left) said that all the traders fought like lions against the closureYetunde Jegege (left) said that all the traders fought like lions against the closure (Image: Olivia Carter) One customer of Beauty Queens Cosmetics, Yasmin Amia, said: "I feel like this is my childhood.

"Growing up in Newham you know the Market Village is the best.

"We appreciate every single person who put the work in to bring them back".